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technician repairing an hot-water heater

Interesting Facts About Water Heaters

Modern water heaters can operate effectively without receiving that much attention. However, you will want to keep up with regular maintenance for your water heater, and you might have a greater appreciation for your system after learning more about it.

They Can Get Clogged

Most of the time, water flows freely through water heating systems. Over time, though, sediment and deposits can build up in tanks and clog things up. This may be more likely to happen if you have hard water. To prevent clogs from occurring, it’s important to have your system regularly maintained. During a maintenance appointment, a technician can safely flush the system to remove the sediment and deposits.

They Can Have Bacteria Growing in Them

If the temperature in a tank is within a certain temperature range, some kinds of bacteria can flourish. Legionella is one of those bacteria that can find its way into people’s plumbing, and unfortunately, Legionella can cause Legionnaires’ disease, which may bring about all sorts of problems. That’s why setting your temperature to the right level is so important. Setting it below 120 degrees can allow bacteria to flourish. On the other hand, setting it above 130 degrees can increase the risk of scalding. The range between 120 and 130 is a sweet spot that can help you stay safe and healthy.

They Heat an Impressive Amount of Water Each Day

You might not think that you use that much hot water on a daily basis, but you probably do. The average American household uses dozens of gallons daily when doing the dishes, washing hands, washing clothes, and taking showers. The energy required by your water heater can make up a big chunk of your utility bill, potentially accounting for up to a quarter of your energy consumption. Consider upgrading to a more eco-friendly unit to reduce your energy consumption and save money.

They Can Be Expensive to Repair and Replace

Like other major appliances, hot water heaters represent major investments. If something goes wrong, you might be faced with a pricey repair bill, and having to replace a unit can also take considerable resources. Considering this, it would make sense to try to extend the life of your water heater and ensure it can work efficiently. Regular maintenance can help with this. The alternative is facing costly, unexpected issues and premature failure.

Let Us Help You

For the most part, water heaters can do a great job on their own, but they do require some professional assistance from time to time. If you need water heater service at your place in Sioux Falls, SD, reach out to Dr. Rooter.